2019 International Student Exam

Exam Date: 28 April 2019
Application Period: 25 March - 12 April 2019 (Applicants can apply till 17.00 local time in Turkey)

Country, the exam to be held



(TR time zone)

Exam Fee

Azerbaijan Baku 11:00 80 $
Kazakhistan Almaty 11:00 70 $
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 11:00 50 $
Russia Moscow 11:00 50 $
Somali Mogadishu 11:00 70 $
Uzbekistan Samarqand 11:00 50 $
Turkey Mugla 11:00 250 TL
(In case of force majeure and/or the fact that the number of applicants for an exam center is under 30, that exam center is cancelled.)

Place of the exam will be notified on Exam Entrance Document on April 25, 2019 with your password on the system. For those willing to attend the exam in Turkey, coming from abroad, and needing visa, the exam entrance cards will be arranged before the given date in the case that applicants inform the International Student Office after applying for the exam.

International Students Exam is composed of Basic Learning Skills Test with 40 General Ability questions, 40 Mathematics and Geometry questions. 1 correct answer is deducted from your final score for every 4 wrong answers.The duration of the exam is 90 minutes.

Please click for exam content and samples

Application Criteria


Application Fee

After paying the exam application fee (with their names and surnames) to the bank accounts given below, applicants will make online application. Except the exam cancellation due to act of god by the University, no exam fee refund is made with any reason.

(Regarding the deductions in exam payments due to transfer costs charged by the banks, applicants who make the exam payments abroad (outside Turkey) are expected to add the international transfer cost charged by the coresspondent bank in Turkey, i.e. 30$ / 30€, as well as any cost to be charged by the banks used abroad. The applications from those who does not make the full payment will not be accepted.)

Name of the Bank

: Vakıflar Bank


: Muğla




: TR24 0001 5001 5800 7307 0553 91


: TR93 0001 5001 5804 8016 8666 82











Last Update : 25.03.2019 10:58:05 Number of Views : 5474
